Morning Preschool Program

Benefits Include:

  • Low Teacher/Child classroom ratios
  • Experienced and Certified Teachers
  • Daily Playground time on our Large Shaded Playground (weather permitting)
  • Daily mid-morning snack time, snack provided by the parents
  • Structured weekly themes utilizing the WEE Learn Curriculum and the Kindness Curriculum
  • Weekly Theme Plan Updates
  • Chapel Program
  • Special Programs at various times depending on the weekly themes
  • Special Events – Halloween Parade, Thanksgiving Picnic, Christmas Program, Easter Egg Hunt, End of Year Program and Classroom Parties

Schedules and Fees

2 Year Olds – Hours are daily 8:45am to 12:15pm.

  • Choose 2, 3 or 5 Mornings a Week.
  • All Fees are Monthly:  2 Mornings – $400.00    3 Mornings – $500.00   5 Mornings – $600.00
  • * * * Please Note * * * Your child must be 2 years old on or before September 1st to be accepted
    into this program.

3 Year Olds – Hours are daily 8:45am to 12:15pm.

  • Choose either 3 or 5 Mornings a Week.
  • All Fees are Monthly:  3 Mornings – $500.00 and 5 Mornings $600.00
  • * * * Please Note * * * Your child must be 3 years old on or before September 1st and be completely potty trained to be accepted into this program.

PreK4 – Hours are daily 8:30am to 1:00pm. All PreK4 students come 5 Mornings a Week.

  • All Fees are Monthly:  5 Mornings $700.00
  • * * * Please Note * * * Your child must be 4 years old on or before September 1st.

Registration & Material Fees:

  • Annual Registration fee of $275.00 – due at time the registration packet is submitted.
  • Annual Material Fee of $300.00 – the first $150.00 of this fee is due in September and the remaining $150.00 is due in January.

Our Curriculum

Our programs are structured around the Weekday Early Education (WEE) Learn Curriculum which is a developmentally appropriate weekday curriculum for Christian settings designed to support children and families.  Your child’s individual differences and learning styles are considered as they learn through play and interactions with their teachers and classmates to maximize their learning potential.

We utilize a weekly module-based approach that teaches a different theme. Each week we update your child’s classroom with books, toys and manipulatives which relates to that week’s theme.  Your child experiences age appropriate learning activities that are designed to lay a foundation for understanding God, Jesus, Bible, church, self, family, others and the natural world.  This includes learning centers, group activities and weekly theme plan updates sent home the week prior to the theme.

We use the Kindness Curriculum to teach and focus on a different moral/value each month. Some examples include – Gentleness, Self-Control, Respect, Love, Friendship and Empathy.

Our Classrooms

Each classroom has been designed and equipped to support your child and his/her classmates with height appropriate tables, chairs, sinks and restrooms.  In addition, there are learning centers (such as Home Living, Blocks, Books, and Puzzles) that encourage both individual and group activities as well as a group area on the floor where the children and teacher interact.

Our Chapel

The children attending Bayshore Baptist Church Preschool participate in Chapel, which is a supplement to the Bible Verses and Bible Lessons being taught in the classrooms weekly. The children will also learn, in class, several blessings to say before eating their snacks.
We do not teach Baptist doctrine, but teach Christian principles.

The 2 year old classes begin participating in early November, after they have become accustomed to attending school. The length of the story and the time spent singing is shortened to accommodate their attention span.
The children in our 3 and PreK4 year old classes participate in chapel all year.

Our primary goal is for the children to learn how God loves and cares for us.

Our Playground

Our playground is located on the Morrison Ave., side of the church.  We are proud to say that it is quite large, shaded and offers many different features for the children to enjoy.  Features include a restroom, water fountain,  four (4) picnic tables, four (4) swings, tire swing, four (4) slides, hand over hand bars, climbing dome, Gus the Caterpillar (tunnel), a lighthouse, pirate ship, the “fort” and the children’s favorite, the “Castle”.

There are plenty of areas for the children to run, in addition, steps, stairs, ladders, steering wheels and the wall all provide opportunities to help develop gross motor and balancing skills.  You can see photos of the playground in the Galleries section of our website.