FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find a list of the most commonly asked questions about our program and their respective answers.  Should you have a question that is not listed below, please contact the Preschool Office either by phone at (813) 254-5758 or send us an email.

Wait List / Tours / Enrollment

Do I have to be a member of the church for my child to be enrolled at the Preschool?

No, not at all.  We are proud to say that the children who are enrolled in the Preschool Program come from a very diverse group of families who practice many faiths.

We do want you to know that if you are searching for a church home for your family, we would be honored to have you visit Bayshore.  The church offers services on Sunday Mornings for Sunday School beginning at 9:30AM which is followed by the Church Service at 10:30AM.  Nursery and programs for childern of all ages are also offered.

For additional information regarding Bayshore, click here to visit the Church’s website: Bayshore Baptist Church  The church’s website will open in a new tab in your browser.

What is required to have my child enrolled in the Preschool Program?

The first step to enrollment is placing your child on our wait list.  In the spring of each year, we begin the process preparing for the new school year that starts in the fall.

  • To place your child on our wait list, we only require your child’s name, his/her date of birth and your contact information.  Unlike many of our competitors, there is no fee assessed to place a child on the list.
  • The earlier a child is placed on the list, the better the odds are that there will be a spot when enrollment time comes.
  • If you would like to place your child on our wait list, either contact the Preschool Office by phone at (813) 254-5758 or send us an email at loridamorey@bbcpreschool.com.  A member of our staff will contact you, gather the required information and be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
  • If your child is on the list and your phone number changes, please contact us to update your contact information.  We wouldn’t want you to miss out on an opportunity to have your child attend Bayshore because we were unable to reach you…

I’m interested in your program for my child. Do you offer tours?

Yes, we are happy to provide tours of the preschool to those parents who are searching for a program for their child.

  • Tours are by appointment only and all tours are individual and not in group form.  We ask that you bring your child with you during the tour.
  • We typically provide tours during the springtime to those parents whose children were previously placed on the wait list as we are working on enrollment for the upcoming school year.
  • Tours are typically provided while the Morning Preschool Program is in session so that you can see our program in action.  We show you the classrooms that your child may be in and introduce you to the teachers.   In addition, we show you the chapel, library and the playground.  We also answer any questions that you may have about our program.
  • We know that the decision of where to send your child to preschool is not made lightly, nor hastily, and we are happy to provide as much information about our program as you may require.

What documents do I need to provide to have my child enrolled?

When we know that your child has a spot in our program, we will provide you with our registration packet that needs to be completed in its entirety.

  • The Registration Packet includes the Fee Schedule and Tuition Agreement.
  • You must provide a completed and current Florida Certification of Immunization Form DH-680 (Commonly referred to as Shot Records).  This form is completed by your child’s pediatrician.  If your religious tenets preclude your child from receiving immunizations, then in place of the immunization form, we need a completed Religious Exemption Form DH-681.  This form is signed by you and also requires a stamp from the Hillsborough County Health Department.
  • You must also provide a current Physical (Form DH 3040-CHP-07-2013) which is also completed by your child’s pediatrician.
  • Your child will not be permitted to attend the preschool program until the shot record and physical forms are provided.
  • Payment of the $275.00 Registration Fee is due at the time you submit your completed Tuition Agreement.

In July, we mail the Enrollment Packet to you which contains:

  • Enrollment Form.
  • Open House Information Letter.
  • Reminder that Physical and Shot Records are needed.

New Parents and Children

Can my child bring a Lovie to school (pacifier, blanket or favorite stuffed animal)?

To help aid in the acclimation to the school, we encourage our younger children to bring their lovie to school at the beginning of the year.

What if my child clings to me or is upset when I drop them off?

Often a child will cling to their parent at the time of separation.

  • The teachers are experienced in  reducing the stress associated with these tearful partings.  When tears occur the teacher will direct your child’s attention to something fun in the classroom, your role is to say when you will be back, say “Good-bye” with a smile and leave.
  • It may take a few days, but every child (and most parents) get over this phase and are soon enjoying their growing independence.
  • If you are concerned, just call the Preschool Office at (813) 254-5758 and leave a message.  The program director will be happy to check on your child’s progress and let you know what activity your child is enjoying.
  • Rest assured you will be called if your child is not happy and busily playing within a half hour.


We do allow parents to visit and play on our playground with their children during the week of our open house in August. We will send out a schedule for this, prior to the open house event, so you can have the opportunity to share some play time on our playground with your child. This experience does help with the transition to starting school for the first time. This play time together at the school helps your child know the school is a place mom and dad also like to come play.

Emergencies / Inclement Weather

How do you contact me in the event of an emergency during school?

Depending on the type of emergency we use several different methods to contact parents.

  • If it involves a single child, then our first attempt is via the contact phone numbers that you provided at the beginning of the school year.  We begin with parents and then work our way down the list until we reach an authorized individual.  In those rare occasions when we have difficulty reaching you, then we may send an email or possibly a text message.
  • If the emergency involves the entire preschool then we utilize the One Call Now automated broadcast messaging system to notify parents.  When you enrolled your child, we had you complete a form for the One Call System.  This is an automated messaging system that allows us to broadcast messages via text.  Examples of emergencies we would use this system for include such things as school closings due to severe or inclement weather, power outages and significant plumbing problems which would render the building inoperable.

Remember, we follow the Hillsborough County School Systems Closure Schedule.  If Public Schools are closed for an emergency, then the Preschool will also be closed.

How do you notify me in the event the Preschool is closed?

In those rare cases where we need to close the preschool due to an emergency or severe weather, we take the following steps to notify our parents:

  • We utilize the One Call Now automated broadcast messaging system to notify all parents.  When you enrolled your child, we had you complete a form for the One Call System.  This is an automated messaging system that allows us to broadcast messages via text.
  • We will also send emails and messages through the Brightwheel app.
  • We change the outgoing voice message on the Preschool phone system to notify those calling the Preschool office.


Remember, we follow the Hillsborough County Public School System’s Closure Schedule.  If Public Schools are closed for an emergency, then the Preschool will also be closed.

Arrival & Dismissal

Where do I Drop Off and Pick Up my Child?

Weather Permitting

All arrivals come through the main preschool entrance off Parkland Blvd through the double glass doors. If we are not at the interior door, you will ring the doorbell to be let in. At normal arrival and dismissal times, we are at the door and you will not need to ring the doorbell. All parking is in the parking lot off Parkland Blvd near our double glass door entrance. All vehicles are to arrive and depart flowing with normal traffic in a westerly direction.  When you park along Morrison Ave., the passenger side of your vehicle will be next to the sidewalk. Regular arrival and departure class times and 1pm pickups will all take place at the double glass doors off of the Parkland Blvd side of the building. You will park on the Parkland Blvd side parking lot and come through the glass doors to your child’s classroom interior door. The 1pm pickups for Lunch Bunch and the PreK4 class will be at these double glass doors as well.

Additional parking is available in the church parking lot just west of the playground past the swings.

  • Do Not leave children unattended in your car while you come inside the building.
  • Do not leave your car unlocked or valuables in plain site while your vehicle is unattended.
  • Do not drive under the covered drive. We place chains across for the safety of those walking in and out of the building, should the chains not be up, please do not drive through this area as parents, family members and children are walking in and out of our building through this area.

Inclement Weather

On those bad weather days, arrivals and dismissals are performed through the covered entrance on the Parkland Blvd., side of the church.  Parents form a car line that flows from Morrison Ave., behind the church to the covered  entrance.  Please stay in your vehicle until you have pulled under the covered drive. You will then put your vehicle in park, get out your car to remove your child and give them to our staff that will be there to help.

Dropping off:

  • Staff will be present during regular drop off or pick up times.
  • You will get your child out of your car and give him/her to our staff.
  • We accompany your child to his/her classroom.

Noon Dismissal:

  • Place your “Rainy Day” card on the passengers side dash of your vehicle so it is visible to staff as you pull up.
  • Please pull under the covered drive, put your car in park and get out of your vehicle to put your child into your car.

How Early can my child be dropped off?

Preschool hours are 8:45am until 12:15pm.  You can drop your child off for school beginning at 8:45am.  Should you need to drop your child before 8:45am, we offer an Early Arrive Classroom from 7:30am until 8:45am. There is a daily charge added to your monthly statement for each day you use the Early Arrival Classroom. You do not have to give notice beforehand; this Early Arrival option is always available and you may use it as needed.

How Late can I pick up my child?

  • 2 and 3 year olds need to be picked up between 12:15pm and 12:20pm to not be charged any additional fees.
  • PreK4 needs to be picked up between 1:00pm and 1:05pm to not be charged any additional fees.
  • Children who are attending Lunch Bunch need to be picked up between 1:00pm and 1:05pm or you will be subject to late fees.


Backpacks / Clothing / Toys

Does my child need a backpack?

We encourage your child to bring a backpack to preschool.

  • The backpack should be LARGE enough to accommodate a 9×12 inch piece of art paper and a change of clothes.
  • Do Not choose a backpack that has a handle and wheels.
  • Each week your child will bring home “treasures” that he/she has painted, pasted and/or colored.
  • You will also find monthly calendars, special event information and notes inside your child’s backpack to keep you informed about your child’s activities while at preschool.

What type clothing should my child wear to school?

Children get dirty as they learn and play…

  • Please send your child in comfortable washable clothing.
  • Clothing with belts, straps, complicated buttons and zippers cause frustration for the child who is learning to be self sufficient and should be avoided.
  • Shoes should be closed or have a strap around the ankle.  We DO NOT allow children to wear crocs (shoes) or flip flops to school.
  • You should send an extra change of clothing (including socks and underwear) in your child’s backpack.  As you know, accidents happen…
  • The playground is covered in mulch which gets into their shoes and sticks to their clothing.  You know your child had a great day at school when they come home covered from head to toe in mulch!!

My child isn’t or hasn’t completed potty training yet – is this a problem?

No, not at all.  Potty training is not something that can be rushed or forced.

  • For those children in the Two Year Old Classes we ask that you provide a large container of wipes 3 to 4 times a year.  We use them for quick clean ups after painting and snack mishaps as well as for diaper changes.
  • If your child is still in diapers, you need to provide diapers.  We label these with your child’s name and will alert you when it’s time to send in more.
  • If your child is in the Pull Up Stage, then please send them in as well.
  • Please have a conversation with your child’s teacher before going from Pull Up’s to Underwear.
  • We know that the children get busy playing and forget to go potty, so we also remind them to go when needed.
  • It’s this stage when the extra change of clothes in your child’s backpack are all to important.  As you know, accidents happen and we want your child to be as comfortable as possible while going through the potty training stage.

Please Note that all children must be potty trained before they can be accepted into the 3 Year Old Program.

Snacks / Lunch / Naps

What kind of snacks do you serve?

We will ask that each child bring their own snack to school each morning. Please make sure this is a healthy snack and not all sweets and/or sugary choices. We want all the children having snacks together to have a healthy snack experience.

We also have special snacks that are tailored to the Weekly Theme. For example, the children make homemade butter when learning about farms.  The children are always excited to experience foods that relate to the topics we are learning. We will notify the class of any special snacks that will be served so parents can send in a substitute snack if they wish due to your child’s preference or possible allergy.

If you wish to provide a snack for your child’s class, please make arrangements with your child’s teacher.

My child is staying for Lunch Bunch – What is the Lunch Policy?

Children who are attending Lunch Bunch need to bring their lunch from home.  In addition to their food, please provide a drink, napkin and any silverware that may be needed.

  • Childcare Licensing rules prohibit us from heating any food item that may be in their lunch box.

Do the children take naps while at Preschool?

Since our program day is over by 12:15pm or 1:00pm, depending on your child’s age, we do not have naptime at the Preschool.

Illness / Medications / Allergies

My child isn’t feeling well, can they come to school?

In a word, NO…  The Preschool is not a place for sick children.

  • Children must remain at home if they have signs or symptoms such as: Fever, Vomiting, Sore Throat, Ear Aches, Pink Eye, Rash, Diarrhea or a Productive Cough.
  • Child Care Regulations require a child to be free from any of the above symptoms for at least twenty-four (24) hours before they can return to school.  Example: If your child had symptoms on Monday, he or she could not attend school and your child must remain at home on Tuesday as well.  If they did not exhibit any symptoms on Tuesday, then they may return to school on Wednesday.
  • We reserve the right to send a child home based on the observations of the child’s behavior.  Your child must be able to participate in the class activities.  Children who fall asleep in class, have a constant runny or colored/green discharge from their nose, exhibit frequent coughing, or are too tired to participate in the class activities are subject to being sent home.
  • We may also request a note from your child’s doctor stating that they are no longer contagious and may return to the classroom.

Our goal is to keep each child well and happy while in our care.  We want to ensure that your family and our own families stay well.

Can my child take medications while at school?

It is the Preschool’s policy that we do not administer medications while your child is at school. We will administer emergency medications only, such as an EPI Pen or Asthma Inhaler.

For emergency medications only:

  • State law requires that prescription medication be sent in its original container, with the child’s name appearing on the original label.
  • You will be required to fill out and sign a medication form.  Please provide the completed form and the medication to a staff member and alert them as to if the medication needs to be refrigerated.  Do Not leave any medications in your child’s backpack.

If you have any additional questions regarding medications your child may need to take while at school, please contact the Preschool Office at (813) 254-5758.

My child has allergies, what do I need to do?

We know that allergies are common, be they food related, oak pollen, etc….

  • It is very important that your child’s school records include an up-to-date and ACCURATE list of allergies at all times.
  • Each classroom contains a master list of all allergies that children in the Preschool have.
  • If the allergies require an EpiPen be kept onsite for your child’s use, you will need to provide the EpiPen and State law requires that it be sent in its original container, with the child’s name appearing on the original label.  In addition, you will need to complete a medication form.

Billing / Payments / Tax Documents

How do you bill for services?

We bill on a monthly basis.  Invoices are sent out at the beginning of each month. The invoices reflect the monthly tuition fees for the current month and for your child’s services (early arrival or Lunch Bunch) from the previous month.

  • Invoices are for the current month.
  • Invoices include services or fees incurred during the preceding month, such as monthly fees, additional charges for early drop off and/or late pick ups.  We also bill for the material fees in the September and January invoices.
  • Invoices reflect payments received since last invoice date and show total balance due.
  • Payments for All Invoices are due on the 1st of the Month and a $20 Late Charge is assessed on the 11th.
  • We now use the Brightwheel app for communication and billing as well. You will be able to see your child’s billing statement and make payments digitally through this app.

Some Parents like to pay the annual fees at one time.  If this is something you would like to do, please contact the preschool office and we will be happy to generate an invoice that reflects the correct amount.

What methods of payments do you accept?

We accept payment by check, cash, or online through the Brightwheel app.  If paying by check or cash, please give this directly to a staff member or to the office staff.  Please do not place payment in your child’s backpack.

Do you provide an IRS acceptable form for our annual tax filing?

Yes, our statements are acceptable for submission to the IRS to report your child care expenses. School years overlap two federal tax filing years.  Depending on how long your child has been enrolled at Bayshore, you or your accountant may have to extrapolate child care expenses from more than one statement period.  Our Federal Tax Identification Number is also provided for your filing needs.

Should you have any questions about where the amounts are obtained from, please contact the Preschool office for additional information.

Special Events / Programs / Visitors

Does the Preschool have any Special Visitors?


  • Each year we have contracted photography companies come to the Preschool to take individual pictures of the students.
  • We send home notices so you can dress your child appropriately for “Picture Day”

Special Visitors:

  • At times we may have special visitors come to the school and this is usually related to the theme of the week.
  • Examples may be a parrot if we are studying rainforests, or the Florida Aquarium if we are learning about the ocean.
  • We will give the parents notice for any special events that may be scheduled.

Hearing and Vision Screenings:

  • Sertoma Speech and Hearing Foundation tests the children’s hearing for free with parental permission.
  • Preserve Vision of Florida tests the children’s vision for free with parental permission.

Does the Preschool hold any Special Events or Programs?

Yes, we have quite a few special events and programs throughout the year.  They are listed below in chronological order:

Open House

Each school year prior to the first day of school, we hold an open house for the parents and children.

  • The event takes place in the morning before the new school year begins.  Letters will be sent with the appropriate date and times before the new school year begins.
  • You and your child have an opportunity to meet the teacher and see the classroom.

Parent Scavenger Hunts

Typically, in late September/early October, we will have a time for you to visit your child’s classroom with your child. This will be a scavenger hunt where your child will help you find things in the classroom and show you around to learn more about their morning at school.

Halloween Parade

This is a very special time for the children (parents as well).  The children dress up in costume and we hold a parade throughout the church building where the church staff passes out treats to all of the children.  The date for this event is in the yearly calendar and you will receive notes and requests from your teacher for the items that you are asked to supply.  Photos of a previous event are available in the Galleries section of our website.

Thanksgiving Picnic

Each year we invite the parents to join the staff and the children for a Thanksgiving picnic.  We ask that you prepare a sack lunch for your child for this event.  Older Siblings and grandparents are welcome.  The date will be on the yearly calendar and reminders are also sent home.  The children really enjoy having the opportunity to spend this special time with their parents and family members.

Christmas Program

Each December the children present their annual Christmas Program in the church sanctuary.  Each age group shares songs and finger plays relating to the Christmas season.  The date for this event can be found in the yearly calendar.

  • The children work very hard to prepare for this event.
  • Parents, siblings and grandparents are encouraged to attend.

Easter Parties

In celebration of Easter, the children participate in an Easter Egg Hunt and Party.  The date for this event can be found in the yearly calendar.  Photos of a previous event can be found in the Galleries section of our website.

  • The children make and decorate custom baskets to use during the hunt.
  • You will receive communication from your child’s teacher as to what to provide such as plastic eggs for the hunt and items needed for the party.

End of the Year Program

The Preschool year comes to an end with our annual End of the Year Program.  Just as for the Christmas Program, the children perform songs and finger plays in the church sanctuary.  It’s a wonderful way to see just how much your children have learned, grown and matured during the course of the year.  The date for this event can be found in the yearly calendar.

Can we invite my child’s classmates to his/her Birthday Party?

  • Your teacher will put invitations in your child’s classmates backpacks, as long as every child in the class is being invited.
  • Please do not ask your child’s teacher to distribute party invitations unless every child in the room is being invited.
  • If you wish to only invite a select few and not the entire class to a party, it will be your responsibility to distribute those invitations accordingly.
  • You may also send your invite digitally to the director who can then send it digitally to the entire class at once with your RSVP information included.


Can I send a special snack for my child’s birthday?

We know that your child’s birthday is a very special day.  You may send cookies, muffins, brownies, doughnuts or “mini” cupcakes to be shared by the class for that day.  We ask that you check with your child’s teacher to be certain that a convenient day is chosen and to give us time to notify parents of any classmates whose child may have food allergies.