Our Programs are divided into two different areas. The first and most popular is our Morning Preschool Program. This program operates daily from 8:45AM to 12:15PM from Early September through Late May. The second program is our Summer Camps. These operate in one (1) week increments and are provided from June thru August.
- The Morning Preschool Program provides services for our Two Year Old Children either 2, 3 or 5 mornings per week and 3 or 5 mornings per week for the our 3 Year Old Children.
- Our Summer Camp Program is only offered to those children who were enrolled in the Morning Preschool Program the preceding school year. This is done because those children are already familiar with our staff, rules and procedures.
Highlights of each program can be found below and more detailed information about each program can be found on the specific program page.
Morning Preschool Program
Benefits Include:
- Low teacher/child classroom ratios
- Experienced and Certified Teachers
- Daily Playground time on our Large Shaded Playground (weather permitting)
- Daily Snacks provided
- Structured weekly themes utilizing the WEE Learn Curriculum and the Kindness Curriculum
- Weekly Diaries
- Weekly Chapel Program
- Special Visitors – Such as City of Tampa Fire Department and Friendly Pirates
- Special Events – Halloween Parade, Thanksgiving Picnic, Christmas Program, Easter Egg Hunt, End of Year Program and Classroom Parties
Click here to see more information on the Morning Preschool Program
Summer Camps
Benefits Include:
- Program commitments are in two (2) week increments to allow for family vacations.
- You may send your 2 or 3 Year Old to camp, 2, 3 or 5 mornings per week
- Program theme changes with each new camp.
- Children enjoy playing and spending time with their classmates.
Click here to see more information on the Summer Camps
Schedules and Fees:
Morning Preschool Program:
2 Year Olds – Hours are daily 9:00AM to Noon.
- Choose 2, 3 or 5 Mornings a Week.
- All Fees are Monthly: 2 Mornings – $300.00 3 Mornings – $400.00 5 Mornings – $500.00
- * * * Please Note * * * Your child must be 2 yrs old on or before August 31st to be accepted into this program.
3 Year Olds – Hours are daily 9:00AM to Noon.
- Choose either 3 or 5 Mornings a Week.
- All Fees are Monthly: 3 Mornings – $400.00 and 5 Mornings $500.00
- * * * Please Note * * * Your child must be 3 yrs old on or before August 31st and be potty trained to be accepted into this program.
Registration & Material Fees:
- Annual Registration fee of $240.00 – due at time the registration packet is submitted.
- Annual Material Fee of $260.00 – the first $130.00 of this fee is due in September and the remaining $130.00 is due in January.
Summer Camps:
- Program hours are daily from 9:00AM to 12:00PM Noon.
- Choose 2, 3 or 5 Mornings a Week.
- Fees are charged and paid in two (2) week increments based on the 2021-2022 rate structure. A craft fee is added for each camp.
- Registration fees do not apply for summer camp.